Few mistakes, a lot of Indians make while deciding on their future career and their solutions

In India, You decide what you want to become after becoming an Engineer or an equivalent professional degree. More than half of the people have no idea what they want to become after school graduation, even after college graduation. You can’t blame them as they have to decide on their career options a month after they had to ask permission for peeing (School). We list few mistakes a lot of Indians make while deciding on their future career and their solutions. Make sure you don’t make these mistakes.

1. Following The Herd.

It’s easy to make decision based on someone else’s thinking. In India, we have so many doctors and engineers, it makes you think that so many of them just followed the herd as they had no idea what they actually wanted to do.


Never make decisions based on someone else’s thinking. Just because the people you know are fulfilled and contended with their career path, doesn’t mean that it would be the ultimate career path for you as well.  Get out there and think what’s right for you. It’s your decision to make. No one else.

2. Not Pursuing Your Passion.

People tend to choose money, easiness and poor advice (From wrong people) while choosing their future path and don’t follow their passion. Be it advice from parents or high salary opportunities, these are the thing that counts rather than the interest. This is the biggest mistake one can make.


When you follow your passion, things automatically become much easier for you. You enjoy your job. How many people can say they actually enjoy their job? Choosing a career because it seems easy? Do what you love and it will automatically seem easy. Choosing a career because it has money? Follow your passion and you’ll constantly improve and become one of the best with a good earning. We guarantee you that.

3. Career Based On Parent’s Dictatorship.

“Why did you opt for this course?” “My Parents told me to do so”. In India, this is very common. So many parents make decisions for their children and force them into choosing that option.

If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom your dad your teacher your priest or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, you deserve it.


You have to be rebellious at a certain point. If you’re being forced to choose a career because someone else is telling you to, you have to take a stand. We’re not suggesting that you should do something hurtful against them. But try to make them understand your point of view.

And to all the parent’s reading this and doing a similar thing, please stop. Don’t impose your thoughts and decisions on your child. Let them discover it on their own and take little risks. Trust them enough to make right decisions, it’s crucial.

4. Best Salary Options.

This is one mistake majority of us make. People always prefer more money rather than working happily by following your interests and doing something you actually like. Yes money is very important factor for everyone and hence it might be important to earn some before you actually follow your passion. But do go for the transition after that.


Remember, the career path which doesn’t complement your interest and skill set will never offer sufficient money for survival. Selecting a job on the basis of salary will never satisfy you. Salary should be secondary to passion.

5. Don’t Know Your Passion.

So many of students in India have no idea what they want to do in their life. They’re not sure about their interests and passion. They ultimately aren’t able to make an accurate decision earlier on and end up continuing that for long.


All you folks need to do is give yourself some time and explore. Passion might be a big word for you at initial stage. So try to short list your interests and start exploring as many as  you can. Even if you decide to follow one of your interests, and eventually realize it’s not what you want to do… Stay calm and start exploring ahead. You have to take risks to achieve the success that you desire for a happy and a glorious career. All you need to do is make efforts. Get off your ass and starting exploring now. Universe is full of should have’s and could have’s, be bold and make the right choice.

6. Not Investing Sufficient Time.

Sometimes we tend to not give us the sufficient time we actually require to make the big decision. You cannot make decisions in haste and without thinking it through.


Remember, good decisions are always made by taking sufficient time in hand. You should take time and make a selection with peace of mind and by considering the multitude of options available. Make your career planning beforehand and consider your own personal skills, interest, likes and dislikes before coming to a conclusion. Considering all these factors will help you select the best career path.

7. Relying On College.

Usually, when people start planning for their career, they make a silly mistake and believe that their school life will dictate what exactly they are going to do in the rest of their life, which is completely a wrong concept.


Your college major can be the starting point while choosing your career path, but you must not completely rely on their decision. Most of the time, the knowledge gained during school days is applied indirectly or directly to a myriad of career and job opportunities, both alternative and traditional career paths.

8. Afraid Of Making The Transition.

So you know what you want to do but you’re not ready to pursue it. You feel insecure, low esteemed and scared to move on from your currently monotonous career.


You have to help yourself here. You have to decide and make the decision based on your transition. Remember, the successful and glorious life you dream of, can only be attained if you take the risk. There will always be fear, do it anyway and don’t let your fears condemn you to mediocrity. Don’t let your fear help you birth a well-nourished regret, take action today.

9. Choosing The Easiest Option.

Of course some options seem ‘easy’. But selecting a career is not reckoned as one time decision based on it’s difficulty, instead it is a series of decision that you usually make as you progress through diverse phase of your career, life and experience.


Selecting an option on the basis of its ease is not always a good career decision. One needs to analyze whether or not their skill sets match the requirements and most importantly whether the option interests them.

10. Giving Up Too Quickly.

Failed career changes often involve throwing in the towel too quickly. There’s a bump in the road and you feel that’s the end of the road. It’s a bump not the end. You feel negative and instantly want to switch immediately. Giving yourself time is the key here.


You can’t make life or career change without significant effort, time, commitment, and usually some substantial money. If you realize after giving yourself adequate time that it’s not your cup of tea only then look out. But hanging in there and trying your best is what you should aim for. Don’t just sit-by waiting for your dreams to come alive, you breathe life into them.

Don’t make these mistakes and share this post with your friends so that they don’t make these mistakes as well.


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